On 14 October 2024, 12th World Standards Day 2024 was held at Office No.21, Ministry of Science and Technology, Nay Pyi Taw. Accordingly, Ministry of Science and Technology, Union Minister, H.E Dr. Myo Thein Kyaw was delivered the speeches to this Event and Deputy Minster , Permanent secretary, relevant Director Generals and Deputy Director Generals from Ministry of Science and Technology, National Standards Council Members, Chairmen, Secretaries and Members from relevant technical sub-committees, the participants from public and private sector, MSMEs and the officials from department of research and innovation including about (100) persons were altogether participated.
In 12th World Standards Day Event 2024, this event was celebrated and intended to honor the cooperation of experts from the International Organization for Standardization – ISO, International Electro technical Commission – IEC and International Telecommunication Union-ITU in the development of international standards, to acknowledge the efforts of academics and professionals who are responsible for standards-setting fields around the world in terms of regional and national standards, to highlight the importance of published international standards, to recognize the key role international standards play in promoting of; trade, health, agriculture, science and technology exchanges, innovations between world-class countries and to facilitate trade and to educate by producing these standards. In this event, the video clip speech by ISO Secretary Serjio Mujica was presented to all participants and made by group photo records etc.

12th World Standards Day Event 2024