World Accreditation Day is a global initiative, of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to promote global awareness of the importance of accreditation.
2019 World Accreditation Day was celebrated by Accreditation Division, National Standards and Quality Department from Department of Research and Innovation under the Ministry of Education in cooperation with PTB (Germany) at the Melia Hotel, Kabaaye Pagoda Road, Yangon in 10th June 2019.
The celebration event was attended by the Rectors from the Universities, the members of National Standard Council, the Chairman of UMFCCI, key persons from Myanmar Engineer Council, MES, the representatives from Singapore Accreditation Council(SAC), the representatives from P (Germany), GIZ and other international organizations USAID, UNIDO, JICA, the representatives from the Regulatory Bodies, the representatives from the Conformity Assessment Bodies: Testing laboratories, Medical laboratories, Inspection bodies, Certification bodies, experts from the respective conformity assessment areas, the representatives from the small and medium enterprises, the representatives from the interested parties.
On behalf of Minister, Dr. Pho Kaung, Rector of Yangon University, Ministry of Education delivered welcome and opening speech and Mr.Christian Schoen, Expert from PTB gave opening speech. Then the distinguish guests viewed Video clip regarding this year themes for World Accreditation Day and awareness program for International Accreditation, took documentary group photo, looked around the poster gallery of Myanmar Accreditation Body’s activities. After that General Benefit of Accreditation was presented by Mr. Hanspeter Ischi , Expert from PTB and Accreditation providing added value to the supply chain was presented by Mr. Graham Talbot, Expert from PTB. Mr. Tan Yee Teck, Director from Singapore Accreditation Council presented Accreditation and Assurance : Adding Value to supply chains in Singapore and Dr. Zar Ni Aung , Deputy Director General from NSQD presented Vision and strategy to make accreditation beneficial for Myanmar’s economy. The representative from RIGHT Health Laboratory shared knowledge regards with Accreditation Journey of RIGHT Health Laboratory. And the presenters replied the questions of the attendees. After that Mr. Win Khaing Moe, Director General of Department of Research and Innovation gave closing remark and the ceremony of 2019 World Accreditation Day successfully concluded at 12:30 p.m.
In the afternoon, Accreditation Awareness Workshop for Regulators was held at the Melia Hotel, Kabaaye Pagoda Road, Yangon. The purpose of this workshop is to raise awareness of the importance of Accreditation and related activities and to enhance coordination and cooperation with the regulatory authorities in promoting the recognition and acceptance of accredited conformity assessment results.
The workshop was attended by Mr.Christian Scheon, expert from PTB, Mr. Hanspeter Ischi, expert from PTB, Mr. Graham Talbot, expert from PTB, Mr. Tan Yee Teck, director from Singapore Accreditation Council, Mr. Wei Qiang, Senior Accreditation Officer from Singapore Accreditation Council, the representatives from the Regulatory Bodies, the representatives from Testing laboratories, Medical laboratories, Inspection bodies and Certification bodies of the respective Ministries.
In this workshop, Dr. Zar Ni Aung Deputy Director General of National Standards and Quality Department discussed on Regulators to promote the National Regulatory Authorities' recognition and enhance the international harmonization, Mr. Hanspeter Ischi discussed on “The cooperation between Regulators and Accreditation Bodies”, Mr. Graham Talbot discussed on “Specifying Accreditation in Regulations and Practical Examples of how Regulators use Accreditation”. Then the representatives from Regulatory Bodies discussed and shared their knowledge and difficulties regarding the conformity assessment activities. After that 3 separated working groups discussed on the topics of “how to make progress on sectoral level of Accreditation and Conformity Assessment” and “Gap Analysis for the conformity assessment activities of Regulators” and then each representative from these working groups made presentations. After that International experts and Myanmar Accreditation Body replied answers to the participants and the workshop successfully concluded around 5:30 p.m.