In order to enhance the National Quality Infrastructure, DRI has collaborated with International and Regional Organization and hosted the awareness programme regarding NQI frequently.
The ISO Technical Programme Manager Training and Discussion was held in the National Standards and Quality Department, Department of Research and Innovation under Ministry of Education in DRI Meeting Room in Yangon, Myanmar on 29th November 2016. The training was attended by representatives from relevant Ministries of 20 Technical Committees of Myanmar Standards, Myanmar Engineering Society (MES), Union of Myanmar Federation Chambers of Commerce and Industries (UMFCCI) and stakeholders from the private sectors including Myanmar Fruit, Flowers and Vegetable Producer and Exporter Association, Myanmar Rubber Planters and Producers Association, etc.
In the training session, Mr. Antoine Morin, Technical Programme Manager from ISO shared the course on Structure and Management of ISO, People involved in the process for developing International Standards, Process for developing International Standards, Building Consensus and Stakeholder Engagement.