National Standards and Quality Department
National Standards and Quality Department (Former Standardization Department) had funded as technical supporting department under Department of Research and Innovation (Former Myanma Scientific and Technological Research Department) since 1956. In 2015, Standardization Department was reformed into National Standards and Quality Department with the new organizational structure of Department of Research and Innovation. National Standards and Quality Department has been taking responsibility to establish National Quality Infrastructure of Myanmar in three main pillars of Standardization, Accreditation and Metrology. As legal background, the department has been implementing with the Law on Standardization that was promulgated as Law No. (23) of Union Parliament and Law on Metrology (Draft). Moreover, the department has been implementing to strengthen Quality Infrastructure of Myanmar in accordance with National Quality Policy (Draft) and Road Map for accreditation which was formulated with UNIDO experts and Strategic Plan from Metrology by PTB expert.
To stand as the international recognized National Quality Infrastructure Institution for promoting the social- economic of citizen and developing the business industry and trade facilitation.
(a) To develop the standards in priority based which support export promotion and enhance the quality of local industries and manufacturing and their products, processes and services
(b) To develop the standards which can support international and regional trade facilitation
(c) To prescribe the mandatory standards which enable to protect public health ,environmental conservation and food safety
(d) To provide accreditation service that can support international recognition on test results, inspection reports and certificate of conformity assessment bodies to facilitate trade;
(e) To maintain the national level primary measurement standards and traceability to international SI unit;
(f) To provide calibration services for business, industries, laboratories and for who use measuring instruments;
(g) To provide traceability on measuring instruments used in verification procedure of legal metrology in competence authorities;
Organization Structure
According to the reform organization structure in 2015, the National Standards and Quality Department is composed of four departments such as standardization department, accreditation department, national institute of metrology and general administration department.
National Standards Council
National Standards Council was established with the order number (161/2014) of the Union Government dated in 29 December 2014 and the Union Minister for Ministry of Science and Technology (former) undertook as the chairman. Currently, National Standards Council was updated by Notification Order No. (343/2021) of State Administration Council dated in 29 October 2021 with (20) members and the Union Minister for Science and Technology takes Chairmanship.
Composition of National Standards Council
No | Name/Designation/Department | Responsibility |
1. | Dr. Myo Thein Kyaw Union Minister Ministry of Science and Technology |
Chair |
2. | Dr. Aung Gyi Deputy Minister Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation |
Member |
3. | U Aung Kyaw Tun Deputy Minister Ministry of Transport and Communications |
Member |
4. | U Thant Zin Deputy Minister Ministry of Energy |
Member |
5. | U Min Min Deputy Minister Ministry of Commerce |
Member |
6. | Dr. Zaw Myint Deputy Minister Ministry of Education |
Member |
7. | U Win Pe Deputy Minister Ministry of Construction |
Member |
8. | U Hla Maung Thein Permanent secretary Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation |
Member |
9. | Dr. Soe Naing Director General Directorate of Industrial Collaboration Ministry of Industry |
Member |
10. | U Maung Maung Than Director General Directorate of Labour Ministry of Labour |
Member |
11. | Professor Dr. Khin Zaw Director General Food and Drug Administration Department Ministry of Health |
Member |
12. | U Sein Thaung Oo Vice Chairman Myanmar Food Processors and Exporters Association Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) |
Member |
13. | U Htin Aung Khine Vice Chairman Myanmar Computer Federation |
Member |
14. | Dr. Kyaw Kyaw Moe Vice Chairman Federation of Myanmar Engineering Society (Fed. MES) |
Member |
15. | Dr. Aung Kyaw Myat Chairman Myanmar Engineering Council |
Member |
16. | Dr. Sein Myint Chairman Supreme Group of Companies and Member of Society of Petroleum Engineering (United States) |
Member |
17. | U Tin Htut Director General (Retired) Myanma Scientific and Technological Research Department (Former) Ministry of Science and Technology |
Member |
18. | Dr. Than Htut Hornorary Professor Occupational and Environmental Health Department University of Public Health Ministry of Health and Sport President, Occupational Medicine Society Myanmar Medical Association |
Member |
19. | Dr. Mya Mya Oo Rector (Retired) Yangon Technological University Ministry of Science and Technology |
Member |
20. | Dr. Phyu Phyu Win Director General Department of Research and Innovation Ministry of Science and Technology |
Secretary |

Activity Photo of 1st National Standards Council Meeting

Activity Photo of 2nd National Standards Council Meeting

Activity Photo of 4th National Standards Council Meeting

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (1/2018)

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (1/2022)

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (1/2022)

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (2/2022)

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (2/2022)

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (1/2023)

Activity Photo of National Standards Council Meeting (1/2023)
Standardization Working Committee
In accordance with the provisions stated in section 6, chapter 4 of Law on Standardization,
standardization working committee was formed with 32members by Order No. (047/2023) dated in 24 April 2023 of Ministry of Science and Technology .

Activity Photos of the Working Committee Meeting (30.5.2023)

Activity Photos of the Working Committee Meeting (1.12.2023)
Standardization Technical Sub – Committees
To develop Myanmar standards, (27) Standardization Technical Sub-Committee are organized and each sub-committee formulates standards in their specific sectors. Each sub-committee was composed of representatives from relevent ministries, academia, private sectors and NGO and eminent persons in relevant field area. The list of standardization technical sub-committees are described as follows:
List of 27 Technical Sub Committees for standards Development in Myanmar
1. | TC 1-Technical Sub Committee for Electrical and Electronic |
2. | TC 2-Technical SubCommittee for Food stuff |
3. | TC 3-Technical Sub Committee for Automotive Product |
4. | TC 4-Technical SubCommittee for Management System |
5. | TC 5-Technical SubCommittee for Cosmetics |
6. | TC 6-Technical SubCommittee for Pharmaceutical |
7. | TC 7-Technical SubCommittee for Agro-based Product |
8. | TC 8-Technical Sub Committee for Medical devices |
9. | TC 9-Technical Sub Committee for Building and Construction |
10. | TC 10-Technical Sub Committee for Traditional Medicine |
11. | TC 11-Technical Sub Committee for Rubber and Rubber-based product |
12. | TC 12-Technical Sub Committee for Communication and Information Technology |
13. | TC 13-Technical Sub Committee for Chemical |
14. | TC 14-Technical Sub Committee for Mechanical |
15. | TC 15-Technical Sub Committee for Energy |
16. | TC 16-Technical Sub Committee for Wood Based Product |
17. | TC 17-Technical Sub Committee for Livestock and Fisheries |
18. | TC 18-Technical Sub Committee for Environmental Protection |
19. | TC 19-Technical Sub Committee for Boiler |
20. | TC 20-Technical Sub Committee for Occupational Safety and Health |
21 | TC 21-Technical Sub Committee for Universal Character Set Myanmar Unicode System |
22 | TC 22-Technical Sub Committee for Textile and Garment |
23 | TC 23-Technical Sub Committee for Iron and Steel |
24 | TC 24- Technical SubCommittee for Agricultural Processes |
25 | TC 25- Technical Sub Committee for Myanmar Gems and Gemology |
26 | TC 26- Technical Sub Committee for Glass |
27 | TC 27- Technical Sub Committee for Gold |
Activity Photos of Standards Technical Committee Meeting
International and Regional Co-operation
As of 2015, Department of Research and Innovation(DRI) started to take a membership in ISO as correspondence member and has participated in IEC as Affiliate member since 2007. Moreover, it has taken responsibility as WTO/TBT Enquiry Point since 2008.
DRI has been taking part in ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) as the country focal since 1997. The three divisions of National Standards and Quality Department also involve in Working Group (WG) of ACCSQ as focal departments. The Standardization Department participates in WG 1( Standards and MRA), the Accreditation Department take part in WG2(Conformity Assessment) and the National Metrology Institute stands as focal point for WG3( Legal Metrology).
To expend the broader scope in Myanmar Standardization, DRI sign MoU with American Standards and Testing Materials(ASTM) on October,2016.
DRI also signed MoU with Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) on 8th June 2017 to provide the international recognized accreditation services to Conformity Assessment Bodies of Myanmar.
DRI participated to sign Joint Initiative with Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC) on January 2018 to establish the One Belt One Road Economic Corridor and enhance the co-operation in Standardization.
Development Partner Co-operation
National Standards and Quality Department has been implementing to strengthen the Quality Infrastructure of Myanmar in the areas of formulating policy, strategy, road map, law and regulation, providing technical assistance and awareness program, establishment of Laboratories and National Certification Body (NCB) with the project grant of UNIDO, PTB(Germany), USAID, GIZ, JICA, AHKFTA ECOTECH, China and Mekong – Lancang Cooperation, China.
No. | Development Partner | Project Title | Period | Remark |
1. | UNIDO | Strengthening National Quality Infrastructure for Trade in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar | 2013-2018 | |
2. | Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) | Strengthening Quality Infrastructure in Myanmar | 2015-2020 | |
3. | United States Agency International Development (USAID) | Funded Private Sector Development Activity | 2015-2019 | |
4. | Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Internationale Zusammenarbeit -(GIZ) | Trade Development Progrmme (NQI Sector) | 2015-2018 | |
5. | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | Establishment of Grain Moisture Calibration Lab | 2017-2019 | |
6. | AHKFTA ECOTECH, China | Training on Conformity Assessment Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services (ISO/IEC 17065:2012) for Myanmar | 2022-2023 | |
7. | Mekong – Lancang Cooperation, China | Project on Strengthening National Quality Infrastructure and Implementation of National Certification Body for certifying products, processes and services | 2023-2025 |