October 14th 2016,
The Ministry of Education, Department of Research and Innovation, National Standards and Quality Department celebrated World Standards Day at IBC, Yangon.
The event was sponsored jointly by PTB ( German National Metrology Institute) and DRI. Opening speeches were delivered by the Union Minister of Education H.E. Dr.Myo Thein Gyi and PTB. Presentations were made by international and local experts from USAID, PTB, DRI, Myanmar’s Consumers Union, Myanmar Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Association and others. The ceremony was attended by Parliament Members, Government, industry, trade associations and experts from USAID ,GIZ and representative from International and national organizations.
The theme of this year chosen by the ISO, IEC and ITU international organizations is “Standards Build Trust”. This theme indeed, truly coincide with the principles and concepts advocating by standardization, namely conserving and ideal usage of resources, protection of the consumer and the environment, ensuring the suitability of products and services for their intended purposes, avoiding duplication of efforts, promoting exports and ensuring safety of imports, and to improve the quality of life in general.
The objective of the ceremony was to share the standardization activities of NSQD and ISO to all stakeholders and International communities through website and to pay tribute to the thousands of experts who share their know- how and expertise to develop International Standards. The international and local speakers have shared their knowledge and experience.
Click here to see the Speech of the Union Minister of Education and Powerpoint Presentation 1, 2, 3, 4.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]