On 17 September 2024, Standards Working Committee Meeting (1/2024) was held at Ministry of Science and Technology, Naypyitaw in guidance with the National Standards Council, with the intended objectives of Trade Facilitation, and emerging standards for productivity and quality promotion of industrial sector, international recognized certificate acceptance and widespread use of standards. In the Meeting, Union Minister, Dr. Myo Thein Kyaw was delivered to the opening speech, Deputy Minister and Permanent Secretary from Ministry of Science and Technology had also attended the meeting with Standards Working Committee members respectively. Accordingly, Chairman of Standards Working Committee, Director General, Department of Research and Innovation (DRI), Dr. Phyu Phyu Win was also shared Implementation of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI), the activities to be submitted to National Standards Council (NSC) to get approval, the proposal and committee stage of standards and the summary of final draft standards after public enquiry stage from the relevant technical sub-committee, endorsement of mandatary technical regulations (TRs) referred to Myanmar Standards and the registration procedures for Conformity Assessment Bodies(CABs) from National Standards and Quality Department under department of Research and Innovation and mutually discussed with working committee members with a total of (50) participants had also attended respectively.

Standards Working Committee Meeting (1/2024)